
Support, Advertising and Donations

Read this section to see how you can help support Shine Get Dumplings Go-Go Tower, should you want to.

Display our banners

That's both simple and self-explanatory enough, isn't it? You can display the banners I've made in the Links section on your websites, forums, etc. SGDGGT is a Link free site, meaning anyone can use the links anywhere they wish, provided that they link back to .

Tell people!

It really does help. Word of mouth is what made the film, My Big Fat Greek Wedding A box-office suprise sucess. Word of mouth made Megatokyo was it is today. It helps a lot. Also, make sure to join the forums!


If you'd like to advertise your own website, I sell advertising spots on this site. You can buy a 88X31 banner to be displayed on every page - it will be displayed above the webcomic topsite bannerson every page, except for the forums, and pages that aren't prepared yet. I also reserve one (1) place for the display larger, 468x60 banners on the front page, below the current comic page. I offer these for the nice, cheap rates of 8 dollars for a month of your ad being displayed. Also, there's no need to waste your own bandwith, I will host all the images from this site. For more information, email me.


Donations are very appreaciated, and all donars will be added to an honorary list of donors. Also:
  • Donations of 5 dollars: You'll be given a SGDGGT computer wallpaper not avialable elsewhere.
  • Donations of 15 dollars: I'll make you a wallpaper of your choice, be it from a comic, anime, etc. And the SGDGGT wallpaper.
  • Donations of 30+ dollars: The SGDGGT wallpaper, the personal wallpaper, and an original sketch.


Visit the commissions section.

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